New major enhancements to our premium hosting.
As of today, all iFastNet premium hosting clients can activate a free SSL signed SSL certificate on any domain added into your cPanel. The free SSL is a ‘real’ signed certificate that would previously have cost around $9.99 per domain, and will give the green icon in modern web browsers.
What’s even more exciting is we have also enabled HTTP/2 on our servers. This means when you activate Lets Encrypt SSL (for free) you also will benefit instantly from the new superior HTTP/2 webserver protocol.
This server upgrade to HTTP/2 improves the way browsers and servers communicate, allowing for faster transfer of information while reducing the amount of raw horsepower needed.
HTTP/2 loads webpages much faster resulting in a better experience for your websites visitors and better rankings on Google. Tests have shown upto 30% speed increase in page loading times!
How to use free SSL and HTTP/2 ?
We could not have made it easier!
Simply login to your iFastNet premium cPanel and click the new icon called:
Let’s Encrypt
Then click the ISSUE icon against the domain you want to enable free SSL on and done!
After a few minutes the certificate will be working and your domain(s) will be powered by the faster HTTP/2 webserver.
iFastNet are one of a few webhosts in the world that support HTTP/2 and free SSL certificates!
Don’t miss out and enable your free SSL today and begin benefiting from faster more secure hosting, and better search engine rankings !
This is an exclusive offer provided only by and is included free with all of our premium hosting plans. If you already have premium hosting this is active on your account now, all new premium hosting orders also have these great new features.
Thanks for reading !