It has never been easier to build an outstanding and professional website using Softaculous in iFastNet premium hosting.
Click here to view a demo of the iFastNet hosting cPanel
Here are some demos of the sites you can install with it:

To celebrate winning the TMT Telecom Best Premium Web host 2017 award, we are giving you our BEST EVER discount of 29% off all premium webhosting plans!
To take advantage of this amazing discount please use the following coupon code at the iFastNet checkout:
You can order here to use this coupon:
In recognition of our hard work and dedication to providing you the highest quality hosting, we are proud to tell you iFastNet has won the TMT Telecoms Award 2017 for “Best Premium Hosting”!
We won this award for several reasons, to mentions a few
What sets iFastNet apart from other hosting providers?
It has taken iFastNet years of research, development and investment to create our own custom cloud server infrastructure, similar to that of Amazon or Microsoft Azure however designed specifically for web hosting.
We have joined together 100’s of highly powered web servers to storage arrays using SSD acceleration. These are all interconnected across 40Gb/s network fabric. This configuration allows our servers to provide massive capacity for your websites with almost limitless scalability and speed.
We are immensely proud of our server infrastructure, it is the heart of our business and your websites.
Right now when you load a website from iFastNet servers, your content is delivered from the collective power of 100’s of servers at once! Harnessing the power of 1000’s of CPU cores, hard disks and SSD drives all simultaneously utilizing their combined power!
It is an astonishing achievement to create such a platform that most hosting providers would only dream of creating.
For these reasons TMT telecom awarded us the 2017 Best Premium Hosting award and we are humbled to be recognized for this award.
To celebrate winning we have created our best discount coupon ever, allowing you a chance for a limited time to see for yourself how great our award winning premium hosting is!
The iFastNet coupon code will provide a 29% discount off all Premium Hosting plans, to use the discount coupon code simply enter the code below at the iFastNet checkout when ordering :
Visit us at or you can upgrade your free hosting account to iFastNet premium by clicking the Upgrade Plan links in your free hosting control panel.
Thank you for your time and to find out more about award winning iFastNet Premium Hosting please visit our website at the link below :
New major enhancements to our premium hosting.
As of today, all iFastNet premium hosting clients can activate a free SSL signed SSL certificate on any domain added into your cPanel. The free SSL is a ‘real’ signed certificate that would previously have cost around $9.99 per domain, and will give the green icon in modern web browsers.
What’s even more exciting is we have also enabled HTTP/2 on our servers. This means when you activate Lets Encrypt SSL (for free) you also will benefit instantly from the new superior HTTP/2 webserver protocol.
This server upgrade to HTTP/2 improves the way browsers and servers communicate, allowing for faster transfer of information while reducing the amount of raw horsepower needed.
HTTP/2 loads webpages much faster resulting in a better experience for your websites visitors and better rankings on Google. Tests have shown upto 30% speed increase in page loading times!
How to use free SSL and HTTP/2 ?
We could not have made it easier!
Simply login to your iFastNet premium cPanel and click the new icon called:
Let’s Encrypt
Then click the ISSUE icon against the domain you want to enable free SSL on and done!
After a few minutes the certificate will be working and your domain(s) will be powered by the faster HTTP/2 webserver.
iFastNet are one of a few webhosts in the world that support HTTP/2 and free SSL certificates!
Don’t miss out and enable your free SSL today and begin benefiting from faster more secure hosting, and better search engine rankings !
This is an exclusive offer provided only by and is included free with all of our premium hosting plans. If you already have premium hosting this is active on your account now, all new premium hosting orders also have these great new features.
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